Gearing up!

Are you as thrilled as I am that holiday knitting is over? As much as I love making things for my family and friends (no really, I do), I usually reach my crafting-for-others limit by Christmas Eve, when I’m glued to the couch, furiously working last rows and weaving in ends.

So the arrival of January means I’m getting back to knitting for myself, and while I’m not one for resolutions, my first task is to tame my UFO pile. I always have multiple projects going for variety, but the “put-aside” queue has become, um, a bit unwieldy. I’m tackling my languishing sweaters first; they DO take up the most space in the pile, after all.

UFO 1: Rosamund’s Cardigan

I’m actually looking forward to wearing this, and even have buttons already made for it. But I found a glaring mistake three inches back, put it aside, and just can’t seem to get around to fixing the error. And so it sits.

UFO 2: Bonnie Cabled Pullover

Love the yarn (Malabrigo FTW!), love the color, love the pattern. So why has this been in hibernation for *cough cough* more than three years? Short answer: the needles. I’m a small-needle knitter and rarely venture larger than a 6 – so doing the whole front and 2/3 the back on size 7 was about my quota — apparently three years’ worth.

So that’s my plan for the start of 2016. I make no guarantees how far I’ll get, as just the words “new beginnings” makes my fingers itch with start-itis… so much pretty yarn I could be using to cast on new projects instead!

What fibery projects are you tackling this month?

January also means shifting YarnCon planning into high gear! As we make our lists (and check them not only twice, but six or seven times), what are YOU most looking forward to seeing at YarnCon this year? A particular vendor or teacher? A special item you’ll be shopping for? A pattern you’ve been saving for *just the right yarn*? Leave us a comment below!

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