Not what we had in mind

The last two years have been…something, haven’t they? We can’t wait to see you all in actual, physical person again, but the current Covid variant situation makes it plain that it’s not quite time to gather in large numbers indoors. We hate postponing the reunion, and we hope you agree that the health and well-being of our yarny community is worth waiting a little longer for.

That said, we’re not done with 2022 just yet! We’re hosting our first-ever YarnCon Symposium the weekend of April 2-3 in a virtual format. Outstanding fiber experts from all over the country will teach live via Zoom, and we’re proud to announce the inaugural YarnCon Diversity & Inclusion panel discussion.

So, please keep an eye on this website, and our Facebook and Instagram pages for more updates. In the meantime, please stay safe. Get vaccinated and wear your masks, the sooner we can get the spread under control, the sooner we can get together and squish the yarn in person.


  1. Shelly Berger says

    Sorry it it’s just me, but is the 2022 Yarn Con live at the Plumer’s union hall, or a virtual event? I will be in town the week prior for business meetings, and would be thrilled if this is a live event. If it’s a live event, is advance registration required?
    Thank you for any update or clarification you can provide!

    • Hi, sadly we will not be having an in-person event this year. We will be offering virtual classes, and will be posting those classes this week. We will update the website with more information in the next few days. We’re so sad to go virtual again this year, but hopefully we can all gather again next year.

  2. Do you have links to some of the vendors from prior years? I’d like to support them.

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