Virtual YarnCon Classes Coming Soon!

Hello! I wanted to pop in and give a quick update. Although we will not be meeting in person, our amazing teachers have all agreed to offer their classes virtually, and we hope to have those open for registration in the next couple of days.

We are also getting ready to announce the details of a Diversity Panel Discussion that we will be offering virtually, and free of charge. We want to be sure that we keep talking about diversity and inclusion in the yarn world, and not just when something fits the fan. We hope you will join us.

We are still working on the vendor side of things, and hope to have updates for you soon.

We’re sorry we have been so quiet, we have each had a lot of unexpected things take up a lot of our attention as of late (when it rains, it pours, right?) but we are doing our best to get everything moving again. Thank you for your patience.

Team YarnCon

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